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Category:People from SurakartaI can’t say I have a favorite comic book series from The Walking Dead Universe. I honestly can’t think of any series that I would recommend that isn’t the same as I’m pretty happy with the comics themselves. However, a few of them have really struck me as being too good to be true. One of those series is Sunstone, the creator of which is that also the creator of the writer of this comic: Alex Ross. Sunstone is a book about con artists, and it’s a comic that I’ve enjoyed very much since it first came out. Sunstone is all about con artists and identity theft, and it comes out at a time where both are very popular, due to the high profile of both con artists and identity theft.
So, why this comic? For a year or two now, Sunstone has been on hiatus, with the last issue coming out last year. Now, with the recent news of the spin-off of The Walking Dead Universe, It is looking like that spin-off will be Sunstone. While I’m disappointed by this, I’m also looking forward to the changes it might bring to the series. If this comic could be a continuation of the series as it was back in the day, it’s a character that I’d be pretty excited about. In any case, I want to find out what this comic is like in comparison to the past. And since my collection of the Sunstone comics is relatively bare (I need more resources), I’ll be buying this for sure.
This issue is written by Alex Ross and drawn by Chris Sprouse.Q:
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